by Guest Author | Jan 18, 2022 | Fiction, Guest Authors
Bright lights shine along with the crowd as the bass shakes the club’s floors. Everyone is here to escape—some more often than others. My body jumps to the beat that helps you out the everyday emotions and thoughts. In between each song, the thoughts try to...
by Guest Author | Jan 4, 2022 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
A writing colleague recently hosted a zoom discussion with several self-published authors which they then wrote up for their newsletter. (You can read it here.) It was a fun and interesting chat about the pros and cons of self-publishing and discovering how similar...
by Guest Author | Dec 21, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
Wait, what? Of course, you need to trust your friends and family! They would not be your friends unless they were trustworthy, and your family is – well, you’re related to them, right? Let’s assume your friends and family are utterly trustworthy, so why not trust...
by Guest Author | Dec 7, 2021 | All Posts, Fiction, Guest Authors
It’s my birthday and I’ll change if I must. That was going through my mind when I woke up. You see the devil IS in the details and like most people I didn’t read the details. I saw the pain that tormented my parent’s bodies. I went to bed their grief...
by Guest Author | Nov 23, 2021 | All Posts, Fiction, Guest Authors
I watch her writhing, body doubling up as a fresh rush of pain hits her with all its force. The Magic Wives tend to her and provide relief from the torment, via a torturous process. A creature they call, ‘The Needle.’ She stays still, my love,...
by Stoney deGeyter | Nov 16, 2021 | Movies, Music, TV & Books
Who doesn’t love Christmas? Okay, confession, I’m too lazy to get into the holiday spirit. It’s not just Christmas, but all the holidays. Halloween (which I refer to a “Satan’s Birthday”), Easter, or the Rogue River Rooster Crow...
by Guest Author | Nov 9, 2021 | Guest Authors, Writing Tips
5 Reasons to consider producing your book in audio format Audio format for books was developed in 1931 by The American Foundation for the Blind and the Library of Congress Book for the Blind Project with their Talking Book Program. Their first test audio recordings in...
by Stoney deGeyter | Nov 2, 2021 | All Posts, Movies, Music, TV & Books
When it comes to me and music, I love variety. My musical tastes span a wide range of genres—Rock, rap, instrumental, country, pop, hip hop, metal, etc. I like artists in each of these genres, but also like those that cross genres, such as rap/metal or pop/country....
by Guest Author | Oct 26, 2021 | All Posts, Fiction, Guest Authors
The sky was dark. The smoke-filled air eliminated a view of the moon or any visible stars. Forest fires were burning too close for comfort. Above me, I saw nothing but blackness, an abyss. I had read something once about nearing a full moon. The energy shift that...
by Stoney deGeyter | Oct 19, 2021 | All Posts, True Stories
It seems weird to think about it, but grade school was roughly 40 years ago. That’s like, a whole lifetime ago. Of course, I don’t remember a lot about those days, but I remember enough. Probably more than enough. And since I have these memories, I might...