by Guest Author | Oct 12, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Poems
The fiery nights of passion those bring back distant memories, Ecstasy in your eyes, along your back I lose my senses, The strength of your spirit comes and I return to you, When you remind me who I’m and where we go, I dream of you, I draw you, I desire you, You are...
by Stoney deGeyter | Oct 5, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
Every writer falls into a funk at some point in their career. Maybe it’s rare for you, or perhaps it’s a daily occurrence. Either way, to get our writing mojo back, it helps to get a little jump start. Here are some tips and ideas that can help you get...
by Guest Author | Sep 28, 2021 | All Posts, Fiction, Guest Authors
Flutes in their lower register unleash their words over a scene of fifty blossomed cherry trees. The tree known for her vulnerability is the cherry tree. A large trunk for a torso, she hovers and grows like the most knowing woman you’ve ever met. Being wise and able...
by Stoney deGeyter | Sep 21, 2021 | All Posts, Movies, Music, TV & Books
With the availability of free streaming services, I’ve had a chance to go back and watch some TV series that I enjoyed as a kid or had missed entirely. I’m sad to say that the results have been disappointing. Shows I liked, such as Family Ties, Battlestar...
by Guest Author | Sep 14, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
I’ve now published two novels and I still don’t know whether I’m a plotter or a pantser. I’ve tried starting with just an idea, only to see the idea exhaust itself in the opening sections. That’s what happened with my third novel that I have begun working on. So I...
by Stoney deGeyter | Sep 7, 2021 | All Posts, True Stories
If I don’t count the Great Elementary School Riot, I’ve been in one fight in my life. Let me explain. No, there’s no time for that, let me sum up. I have a vague memory of a massive park riot playing out among a large group of elementary school kids....
by Guest Author | Aug 31, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Poems
Hate leaks from lipsits powerful punch poisoning all within its wake.Wasting weighty words on trivial pursuits.Love flows from the heart,soothing lotion pours in caressing rivers,healing wounds, seeping into souls.Hate’s army of admirers,keen to ingratiate themselves,...
by Stoney deGeyter | Aug 24, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
As an author of two digital marketing books and a yet-to-be-published sci-fi thriller, I’m no stranger to author mistakes. I may not have collected them all, but I’m trying. Someone has to learn these lessons the hard way. May as well be me. Every...
by Guest Author | Aug 17, 2021 | All Posts, Fiction, Guest Authors
Chapter 1: I Have a PlanJuly 2014My mobile phone buzzes in front of me on the bare windowsill. One message. Lock me in at 11, as usual, Sonja writes. Same message she sent yesterday at this time. Same as the day before. And the day before that… She reminds me every...
by Stoney deGeyter | Aug 10, 2021 | All Posts, Movies, Music, TV & Books
Until recently, I never realized how important a good movie soundtrack is. Over the past decade or so, I’ve come to realize that the songs and score chosen for and created for a film do as much to make a great movie as the writing and directing. Carefully chosen...