by Guest Author | Jan 4, 2022 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
A writing colleague recently hosted a zoom discussion with several self-published authors which they then wrote up for their newsletter. (You can read it here.) It was a fun and interesting chat about the pros and cons of self-publishing and discovering how similar...
by Guest Author | Dec 21, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
Wait, what? Of course, you need to trust your friends and family! They would not be your friends unless they were trustworthy, and your family is – well, you’re related to them, right? Let’s assume your friends and family are utterly trustworthy, so why not trust...
by Guest Author | Nov 9, 2021 | Guest Authors, Writing Tips
5 Reasons to consider producing your book in audio format Audio format for books was developed in 1931 by The American Foundation for the Blind and the Library of Congress Book for the Blind Project with their Talking Book Program. Their first test audio recordings in...
by Stoney deGeyter | Oct 5, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
Every writer falls into a funk at some point in their career. Maybe it’s rare for you, or perhaps it’s a daily occurrence. Either way, to get our writing mojo back, it helps to get a little jump start. Here are some tips and ideas that can help you get...
by Guest Author | Sep 14, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
I’ve now published two novels and I still don’t know whether I’m a plotter or a pantser. I’ve tried starting with just an idea, only to see the idea exhaust itself in the opening sections. That’s what happened with my third novel that I have begun working on. So I...
by Stoney deGeyter | Aug 24, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
As an author of two digital marketing books and a yet-to-be-published sci-fi thriller, I’m no stranger to author mistakes. I may not have collected them all, but I’m trying. Someone has to learn these lessons the hard way. May as well be me. Every...
by Guest Author | Aug 3, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
Dialogue is important When I read a piece of prose, whether it’s a short story or a novel, and the dialogue is done well, my heart gives a little skip of excitement. (I know, an exciting life!) Here is a writer who has taken the time to learn their craft. And it...
by Guest Author | Jul 20, 2021 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Writing Tips
1. Writing A Thriller is Like Drafting A Marketing Plan! Most movies start with very fast-paced action. A few seconds into the glorious destruction of the set, in billows of smoke and cordite, we get a glimpse of what our main character is made of. Ian Fleming’s James...
by Stoney deGeyter | Jul 13, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
There is a running joke in the writing community about final drafts. Or, more specifically, the final, final, final, FINAL draft. That’s because writers are never quite finished with their work. Though I have argued that sometimes we think we’re...
by Stoney deGeyter | Jun 18, 2021 | All Posts, Writing Tips
A few weeks back, I posted 13 storytelling tips I have learned while writing my first novel. I don’t claim to be an expert by any means–I’ll save that label for when I get published and sell billions of copies–but, expert or no, I’ve...