by Guest Author | Jan 4, 2022 | All Posts, Guest Authors, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
A writing colleague recently hosted a zoom discussion with several self-published authors which they then wrote up for their newsletter. (You can read it here.) It was a fun and interesting chat about the pros and cons of self-publishing and discovering how similar...
by Stoney deGeyter | Oct 10, 2020 | All Posts, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
The comments I received from my last two posts have shown me that a lot of authors don’t know much about querying agents. You can easily find any number of resources for writing an attention-grabbing query and synopsis. This is not that post. Instead, I’m...
by Stoney deGeyter | Oct 4, 2020 | All Posts, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
Dear Literary Agent, Under normal circumstances, I only send out canned replies to my query rejections—or none at all if it’s a particularly high-rejection week—but I’m making an exception just for you. Humor aside, I get you. Honestly, I do. The service you provide...
by Stoney deGeyter | Sep 26, 2020 | All Posts, Querying Literary Agents, Writing Tips
Not to brag, but I consider myself somewhat of a novice at querying agents. My experience might actually qualify me as an expert, but with not having successfully secured an agent, I’m only as qualified as the average congressperson. Which is to say I’ve...