

You are the loveliest of lovelies, more beautiful than the sand.
Looking at you brings me an ocean view,
Walking the beach hand in hand.

You are the most beautiful of beauties, more passionate than the rest.
Having you near erases my fear,
Holding you close to my chest.

You are more passionate than passion, more beloved than the skies.
Seeing your face puts my heart to the chase,
Getting lost in your eyes.

You are beloved of all beloveds, more enchanting than the seas.
Hearing your voice leaves no other choice,
To surround you like the breeze.

You are the most enchanting of the enchanted, purer than the snow.
Holding you close puts a tap in my toes,
Like no other feeling I know.

You are the purest of the pure, more lovely than the sun.
I love you so much and thrive on your touch,
I know you are the one.