My Work >
Flash Fiction & Short Stories by Stoney deGeyter
Jenga King
Domesticated as he had become, there is a price to human interaction.
The Lizard’s Throne
The castle that once occupied these grounds stood as the embodiment of human greatness in all its splendor.
Forbidden Love
I see you asleep in your bed at night. Tossing. Turning. Anxious and alone. Do you sense me watching? Do you know who’s hovering in the shadows?
I am.
Escape Room
I always dreamed of having an escape room. The kind I escape to, not from. Yet, here I am, desperate to keep the men downstairs from taking me.
The Hidden Place
A cloud of acidic steam fills my mouth with the sweet taste of antifreeze. A beam of light fails to penetrate the night that surrounds me. The single headlight, absent its counterpart, reflects off the raindrops and filters back through the shattered windshield. Inches above my head, the downpour beats against the top of the car like an out-of-control drum solo. It does little to drown out the blaring horn.
I blink away the glare burning into my retinas, but the dizzying stream of audiovisual chaos paralyzes me…
I trudged back to my car, kicking pebbles across the wet parking lot. The narrow eves above kept me out of the rain, which is coming down in sheets mere inches away. The pungent smell of hot, wet asphalt entered my nostrils replacing the stench of the hospital I just left. That mixture of sickness and antiseptic that lingers in the brain for days…
Jason was already overwhelmed. It was Monday morning, his first day back at work after a two-week vacation that ended up being more stress than relaxation. “I need a vacation from my vacation,” he half-joked to everyone who stopped him to inquire as he navigated his way through the building toward his office…